Are You Making Identity Theft Easy?

file0001434191252Identity theft is a problem that isn’t going away and unfortunately only seems to be increasing. Recent investigations into mortgage applications by Experian (which is a good barometer for fraud) showed that 35 out of every 10,000 applications were done with a stolen identity. This has risen from 24 out of every 10,000 last year.

So how are thieves stealing your identity? What methods are they using to get their hands on your valuable personal information?

Here at eSafes we’ve narrowed it down to the following 3 key methods:

1. Post Boxes The quickest and easiest way for a thief to get your bank information or other personal details is to take it directly from your post box. Some will brazenly just stick their hand through your letter slot and grab what is there. Others will be sneakier; posing as a leaflet delivery agent and as they put a leaflet into your mailbox they will be looking to see if there are any letters to steal. Approximately £5 million in cash is stolen each year from mailboxes and it’s a big problem blocks of flats with shared reception areas (source: FFAUK).

2. Bins It doesn’t sound particularly glamorous but some thieves will happily rummage through your wheelie bin during the night and take any letters they find. Other thieves will take all the bin bags out and quickly throw them into their car boot and sort through them at their own leisure when they get home.

3. Direct from your home During break-ins if thieves spot letters lying around they will more often than not take them as well as valuables like jewellery, iPhones, tablets etc. This is because they are lightweight and sometimes they’ll hit the jackpot and find a bank statement or credit card. We’ve all done it, piled up letters and bills on the mantel piece or in a drawer to be sorted on a rainy day but what we are really doing is just making it easier for a burglar.

The above information might seem a bit grim but don’t worry, you can keep yourself safe by following these simple steps.

Post theft solutions:

  • Make sure you check and empty your post box every day (especially in blocks of flats with shared entrances) so you are reducing the chances of anything being taken from your post box. If you are on holiday get a friend to empty it for you.
  • For extra protection it is worth investing in a deep post box or one with an anti-fishing slot. The deeper the post box the harder it is for someone to reach into it. An anti-fishing slot is the ultimate solution as post can go in the slot but never out.

Bin theft solutions:

  • You can’t lock the bin itself shut but if they are stored in a shed you can certainly secure them via a shed padlock. If they are just kept in a yard or beside your house make sure nothing of value is put in the bin in the first place. By shredding all letters (including envelopes which can have addresses on them) or burning them in the fire you’ll be protecting yourself and leaving the burglar with just a bin full of old nappies, food and packaging to look through!

Home theft solutions:

  • The best way is to keep valuable bank statements, certificates and insurance documents locked away in a fire proof document safe. A good quality safe bolted in place will stop any thief in their tracks. Remember to regularly put new documents into the safe and shred all the other letters (like loan offers etc) that don’t need to be kept. Remember it only takes one letter and you could be victim of identity theft so don’t leave them lying around.