Chubbsafes Elements Series: The Safes That Save the Planet

Few of us ask for more from a safe than keeping our cash and valuables out of the wrong hands. But there’s a certain line of safes that don’t just save our stuff; they play a part in saving the planet too.

Presenting, the Chubbsafes Elements range: four brilliant home safes, supporting four top aid organisations from around the globe.

[caption id="attachment_390" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The Chubbsafes Elements range covers a wide range of popular uses of safes in the home & business environments"][/caption]

For every safe in the elements collection an annual donation is made to a major environmental project -- but who are these organisations? And what are they doing to make the world a better place.

Chubbsafes Elements Air - Carbon Clear
Dedicated to reducing the impact of carbon emissions on the climate, Carbon Clear provides a range of carbon management and offsetting services. The organisation helps businesses all over the globe to reduce their output of harmful emissions like carbon dioxide and methane.

Chubbsafes support a project in Thailand which reduces the production of methane, improving the quality of local air. The contribution of the safe manufacturer will offset some 900 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Chubbsafes Elements Water - WaterAid
UK based charity WaterAid works with the world’s poorest communities to provide them with access to safe water. Every year millions of people die needlessly because of a lack of safe water and sanitation. WaterAid aims to end this global crisis. Chubbsafes Elements aims to help.

Working with people in rural and urban communities across the globe, WaterAid helps people in Africa, Asia and the Pacific region. The donation from Chubbsafes could provide 800 taps to Uganda, 150 handpumps to Nepal, 25 school health clubs to India or the construction of a well in Mali.

Chubbsafes Elements Earth - Tree Aid
In Africa, trees mean life. Whether bearing fruit or carrying water they can provide families with a future. Tree Aid helps to fight poverty through the planting of trees. Chubbsafes helps Tree Aid by providing invaluable funds through the Elements project.

The trees planted by Tree Aid help the communities of rural African drylands to withstand drought and famine. With the help of Chubbsafes an additional 5,000 trees can be planted or alternatively, 8,500 people can be trained to use their land and trees sustainably.

Chubbsafes Elements Fire - Cool Earth
Protecting the rainforests from destruction is the first step toward protecting the planet from the devastating effects of climate change. Endangered forests are helping the planet to cut CO2 emissions, but it’s up to us to protect those forests.
Every minute more than 100 acres of rainforest is destroyed. This will affect our climate and water supplier, but even sooner will threaten the lives of millions of species of plants and animals. Cool Earth works with local communities in Peru to protect rainforests from deforestation.