Key Cabinets in Profile - Is Locked Storage the Solution to Car Key Theft?

The eSafes range of Key Cabinets has a wide variety of uses and many of the items available are already immensely popular to a number of industries, but could they be just as important to you at home?

Key cabinets have long been a mainstay of the car showroom; and with good reason. Sales bosses don’t want the public walking away with their products. But considerably less common are locked storage units at home.

[caption id="attachment_398" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Even small numbers of house keys or car keys can be protected, such as this Phoneix KS2 Key Store model"][/caption]

For a long time now, however, the UK has had a problem with car key thefts. Through the length and breadth of the country thieves are known to break into homes expressly to steal car keys. It’s a shock and awe tactic that often proves more successful than breaking into the car without the key.

In many instances families are home in bed when the incident takes place. Thieves are willing to take the risk because they’re in and out of the house with a minimum of fuss.

Key cabinets then could be a fantastic deterrent and especially useful in modern homes with two or more quality cars. The point is that thieves are in it for an easy life. The more obstacles you place in the way, the more likely they are to leave empty handed.

These cabinets can also hold the keys to garages, sheds and other parts of the property which may also contain valuable items.

In addition to car showrooms, key cabinets are a regular feature of hotels and B&B’s, where a lot of keys regularly change hands. The eSafes range of key cabinets is large and many are capable of holding a large number of keys. From domestic to commercial use, shoppers are likely to find a storage unit to suit their needs.

[caption id="attachment_399" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="There are many businesses that would benefit from secure, protected key storage like this Burton KS27 Key Cabinet, available at eSafes."][/caption]

Other popular uses for key cabinets include the depots or offices of companies with a fleet of vehicles or estate agents with the keys to any number of properties on their premises.

The possibilities are virtually endless, rather like the selection of safes, key cabinets and storage units available right now from eSafes.