Protect your most treasured possessions against thieves

Being security conscious today is an aspect taken seriously by millions. Within the home, we have window locks, deadlocks, bolts, chains, house alarms and various other techniques for feeling secure. Those of us who are lucky enough to own expensive jewellery or keepsakes may choose to hide these away in a cupboard or similar, although it is not just items like this which need to be kept hidden. Documents such as house deeds, bank statements and even passports should have their own place where only authorised hands can retrieve them.

Home safes provide the perfect solution. Sold in varying sizes, a home safe will protect cash, documents, laptops and certain items of worth and can be purchased with either an electronic combination lock or good old fashioned lock and key. For insurance purposes always check the cash rating which denotes the total worth of goods protected should an incident occur.

Home safes fit tidily and can be stored away from prying eyes leaving the 'key holder(s)' or those with knowledge of the combination, access only. The benefits of owning a safe inside your home are countless, peace of mind being towards the top of the list. Should you be going away on holiday then spending money can be kept here until the day arrives. Before going away, high value items can be secured leaving you with minimal worry.

Esafes are experts within home safes and able to advise on the best one to suit your needs. Selling many different brands, such as the trusted Burton, Tale and Sentry, we will advise you on the plus points, cash ratings, and talk you through any necessary extra points we feel may be of value.

By storing cash, valuables, documents and media, safely, you are helping to ensure the security of your home. Take a look through out home safes and please contact us to discuss any models of interest.