4 Reasons To Store Jewellery In A Safe
  • April 24, 2023

4 Reasons To Store Jewellery In A Safe

Jewellery is one of (if not) the most valuable items we possess.

We often hear about the devastating impact that can be left on people who have designer watches, diamond rings and other high-value items stolen from their homes. They’ll likely incur a monetary loss, but sentimental pieces will be irreplaceable.

With that in mind, you need to find somewhere to keep your pieces of jewellery as secure as possible – ideally, not at the back of your wardrobe or under the bed, as these are well-known hiding places.

Allow the team at eSafes to outline the reasons why you should consider investing in a high-security or insurance-approved safe for your precious jewels.

1.     Keep it hidden from thieves

Burglars are not bothered if you bought an item yourself or inherited it from a family member – they’re only interested in getting their hands on high-value items that can be resold.

As such, hiding your jewellery in a high-security safe is an excellent way to keep them out of sight and reach of thieves.

Consider an AiS-approved safe that has been certified by the British Association of Insurance Surveyors. These safes have test certificates that are accepted by all insurance companies in the UK, providing an accurate and true reflection of the security and insurance value rating.

By securing your jewellery in one of these safes, in a concealed spot at your home, you can keep it away from prying eyes and needn’t worry about attracting any unwanted attention from pesky criminals.

2.     Protect it from damage

If you share your home with kids, it’s a sensible idea to store your jewellery in an insurance-approved safe to keep it out of reach of sticky hands.

Locking it away will allow you to safeguard all of your necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings and other valuable accessories – ensuring they don’t get damaged or tangled.

The inside of the safe is lined with a smooth material, usually velvet, to cushion and protect your jewellery against damage. Many AiS safes also incorporate shelves or drawers too, allowing you to organise your collection and easily find what you’re looking for.

3.     Protect it from disaster

Disasters can occur at any time, so you want to trust that your assets are kept safe no matter what. And the easiest way to do that is to purchase an AiS-approved fire safe.

A fireproof safe will offer an extra line of defence for your jewellery, reducing the risk of it being seriously damaged or destroyed.

The fire rating indicates the amount and duration of heat that the safe can withstand. Depending on your chosen brand and model, you can expect a fireproof AiS-approved safe to offer 30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes of fire resistance.

4.     Never lose it again

If you’re forever putting things down and forgetting where you last put them, a safe will allow you to organise all your accessories so you can see what you’ve got.

Designed to keep your jewellery safe until you wear it, you won’t need to rush around in a mad panic when you have somewhere to be and can’t find your favourite necklace or matching earrings. Instead, you’ll simply use the key or enter the combination to unlock the safe and gain access to the items you require.

Secure your jewellery with a high-security safe

Whether you have an extensive collection of jewellery or just a few delicate pieces that have been passed down for generations, investing in a security safe is a smart decision.

Most insurers will specify that you need an insurance-approved safe if you wish to protect expensive and sentimental items, such as jewellery. With an AiS-approved safe, you’ll be able to obtain the appropriate insurance cover – giving you peace of mind that your possessions are protected at all costs.

Why not check out our range of AiS-approved safes in full? Click on the different products to find out more about their specifications and, once you’ve decided which one is best for your home, add it to your online basket.

If you’re spoilt for choice or need an expert opinion, please feel free to contact the team here at eSafes. We’re always on hand and will gladly assist you.

  • April 24, 2023