Where Is The Best Place To Hide A Spare Key?
  • September 14, 2022

Where Is The Best Place To Hide A Spare Key?

Having a spare key is helpful in case you lose it or lock yourself out.

As convenient as it is to hide it under the doormat or behind a plant pot in your garden though, it can pose a significant threat to the security of your house. And you can never be too sure who has seen you hide it.

Here the security specialists at eSafes outline some of the best – and worst – hiding places for spare keys.

Where NOT to hide your spare key

Burglars are savvy. If they don’t have to force their way into your property – they won’t. Instead, they’ll try the door handle and check for windows that have been left open.

Some will even look for keys so they can open your door without drawing too much attention to themselves.

The most common hiding spots typically include:

  • Under the ‘Welcome’ mat on your doorstep
  • Behind a plant plot near the front door
  • Beneath a garden gnome
  • Inside your post box
  • At the bottom of your bag or zipped in your wallet or purse

Where to keep a spare key

While you want to hide your key in a memorable place in case you find yourself locked out, it shouldn’t be overly obvious for a criminal to find.

One of the safest options is to leave your spare key with someone you trust – like a family member, friend or neighbour. This way, you won’t need to worry about finding a concealed spot for your key and you can collect it whenever you need it.

Giving a trusted person a spare key to your house can also work in your favour when you’re on holiday or at work. They can open the curtains, switch the lights on and move your mail from behind the front door to make it look like someone is home.

If you don’t fancy handing over a spare copy of your key to someone else, and don’t want to hide it somewhere on your premises, consider investing in a key safe like the ones we supply at eSafes.

We offer a wide range of security safes specifically designed to store keys securely. Many of these are suitable for outdoor use – giving you the peace of mind that your key will not only be safe from would-be thieves but protected against the elements too.

The best place to install a key safe is usually on a wall at the side or back of your house.

Protect your spare key with a security safe

Investing in a key safe for your home is a smart move and will enable you to secure your spare key for emergency use.

If you forget your key and nobody is in, you simply have to input the correct code or place your finger over the scanner and the safe door will open – allowing you to reach in and take out the spare. Similarly, if an elderly relative lives alone and has a fall, you can relax knowing that you will be able to get to them without having to smash any windows or break the door down.

At eSafes, we provide a wide range of key cabinets and safes from renowned brands, including (but not limited to) Burton, Chubbsafes, Phoenix Safes and Securikey. All of the safes we supply are manufactured to an exceptionally high quality, yet we can assure you they are priced competitively.

To find out more about the safes we have in stock, or for more tips on hiding spare keys, get in touch with the team today.

Either give us a call on 0800 783 2328 or drop us an email at info@esafes.co.uk, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

  • September 14, 2022