Why is hiding a safe in your floorboards a good idea?
  • October 28, 2022

Why is hiding a safe in your floorboards a good idea?

Why is hiding a safe in your floorboards a good idea?

When it comes to keeping your valuables safe, the sock drawer just won’t cut it.

Burglars are adept at finding your not-so-secret hiding places. Sock drawers. Under the bed.  Behind the wardrobe. The ‘empty’ tin of beans in the kitchen. They’ve seen it all before.

But would they really think of looking under the carpet?

An underfloor safe can be the ideal solution. Fitted discreetly beneath the floorboards – and fixed between the joists – it can be filled with your most prized possessions, locked securely and covered by a rug, carpet or any other type of flooring. Completely out of sight.

As a leading online supplier of Dudley safes, here we take a look at just a few of the hidden benefits of this hidden type of at-home security.  

The hidden benefits of an underfloor safe

1. It’s discreet

Of course, free-standing and wall-mounted safes are effective at protecting their contents – but depending on where they’re installed, they don’t tend to be very discreet.

If a potential burglar was to see it, it may encourage them to target your property.

Breaking into a locked safe may be difficult, but it certainly isn’t impossible. And sometimes, the fact that you have a safe can suggest that other expensive items may be lying around the house – making it a worthwhile property to burgle.  

Accessing underfloor safe

By contrast, a floor safe is fully concealed under the floorboards.

Not only does this make it less likely for potential thieves to become aware of it, in the unfortunate event that you are burgled, the safe will be very difficult for the burglar to find. After all, how would they even know it’s there?

2. It’s highly secure

Underfloor safes – particularly those made by Dudley – are incredibly tough.

Made from steel and fitted with a high-security key lock as standard, they’re almost impossible to force open and will provide an excellent level of protection for your small valuables.

Burglars have been known to locate and fully remove the unit, so they can quickly flee the scene and attempt to open it at a later date. But the risk of this is significantly reduced with a floor safe. Fixed between the floor joists, they’re extremely difficult to remove – and it’s highly unlikely the burglar would have the tools or time to detach it from the joists and escape.

3. It saves space

Homeowners often wish to have the peace of mind that comes with owning a high-quality safe, but struggle to find enough space for a free-standing or wall-mounted unit. In such cases, a Dudley safe can be the perfect solution.

Installed under the floorboards, they take up zero space in the room itself – yet are still very easy to access (for those who know where to look, at least!). And as they have a cash rating of £1000 (or up to £10,000 of valuables), they offer peace of mind – allowing you to store important items somewhere secure, rather than resorting to those traditional ‘hiding’ places.

Invest in a Dudley safe today

Time to stop relying on the sock drawer to look after your valuables?

Underfloor Safe - eSafes

For homes with limited space, an underfloor safe is a fantastic option. And here at eSafes, we have a comprehensive selection to choose from – including both floorboard safes by Dudley and underfloor units by a range of other highly reputable manufacturers. All of which are affordably priced and available for express kerbside delivery. So why not take a look?

Browse the range and upgrade your hiding place today.

If you have any questions or would like a little advice on the best floor safe for your specific requirements, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You’re welcome to call us on 0800 783 2328. Or if you prefer, send an email to info@esafes.co.uk and one of our in-house specialists will respond with further information as soon as possible.

  • October 28, 2022